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수능 | 2018 수능특강 변형문제 14강 6번

by AOC 2017. 5. 7.

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2018 수능특강 변형문제

14강 6번. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?



Social exchanges are usually ① governed by the norm of reciprocity, which requires that people help those who have helped them. If a favor has been extended to us, we will be motivated to ② return the favor. Conversely, if others have not been helpful to us, we are not likely to be helpful to them. Therefore, if social exchanges are fair, the social structure involved tends to be ③ solid. The exchange reinforces the relationships and provides each party in the exchange with some needed good. But if exchanges are seen as ④ unfair, the social structure is likely to be unstable. A friendship in which one person ⑤ occasionally helps another, expecting but not getting gratitude in return, is likely to be short lived.


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