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수능 | 2018 수능특강 변형문제 14강 3번

by AOC 2017. 5. 6.

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2018 수능특강 변형문제

14강 3번. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?



The Mars Climate Orbiter was one of a series of missions in a long-term program of Mars exploration, known ① as the Mars Surveyor Program. In September 1999, the craft approached Mars and then ② was disappeared. At first, politicians and some scientists blamed NASA's new slogan, "better, faster, cheaper," for the $125 million failure. But a week later, NASA's scientists figured out what ③ happened, and they weren't exactly shouting it from the rooftops. It seems that even though NASA has used metric units to guide its spacecraft for years, Lockheed Martin, the company they hired ④ to engineer the craft, used non-metric English units for its thrust data. This caused the craft's thrusters to plunge the Orbiter to its doom. Soon after the incident, Noel W. Hinners, vice president for flight systems at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics and master of the obvious, said, ''We ⑤ should have converted.''


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