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2018 수능특강 변형문제
13강 4번. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
All known cultures give meanings to sex categories; these meanings serve to create and maintain social distinctions between women and men. Looking around the world today, we find that such distinctions and hierarchies are usually built into institutions such as the family, law, and religion. For example, in all known societies, men have more formal political power than women, and men generally earn more money than women. (A) , the characteristics that are claimed to distinguish the sexes are not uniform from one culture to another. Nor are the distinctions necessarily stable across historical epochs within a society. (B) , societies vary in the extremity of the distinctions they draw and the rigidity with which these distinctions are enforced.
① (A) Thus (B) In conclusion
② (A) In contrast (B) Consequently
③ (A) However (B) Furthermore
④ (A) That is to say (B) Fortunately
⑤ (A) But (B) However
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