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2018 수능특강 변형문제
6강 2번. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Laughter resulting from humor shows itself when people find themselves in an unfavorable situation, for which they generally would have felt anger and/or fear, and the detection of incongruent elements allows them to watch it from a different perspective. In this instance, thus, laughter comes from the release of energies generally associated with negative feelings, but that in the specific situation, , can be expressed as laughter of relief. Humor, in this perspective, represents a defense mechanism that allows people to better handle difficult and stressful life situations. Freud even describes this humor as “the highest of the defense mechanisms.” This self-defense mechanism — differently from the ability to understand jokes, which is very widespread — does not present itself in every human being. Actually, some individuals are able to see the funny and positive side of a certain situation, while others, even in the same circumstances, react showing negative feelings.
① thanks to the consistency of perspective
② in which laughter should be held back
③ because of the characteristics of human feelings
④ which is dependent on the relationship between speakers and hearers
⑤ regardless of whether psychological stability is sustained
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