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수능 | 2018 수능특강 변형문제 4강 6번

by AOC 2017. 3. 16.

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■ 타 사이트·블로그에 블로그 링크(http://mymythos.tistory.com)를 거는 것은 허용됩니다.



2018 수능특강 변형문제

4강 6번. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?



                                                                 . Archaeologists dig up clues in the stones and bones and piece them together into a story about the past. Historians, too, are storytellers. Some argue that many of the accounts in school textbooks, like the standard story of Columbus’s discovery of America, are so full of distortions and omissions that they are closer to myth than history. Business executives are increasingly told that they must be creative storytellers: they have to spin compelling narratives about their products and brands that emotionally transport consumers. Political analysts see a presidential election not only as a contest between influential politicians and their ideas but also as a competition between conflicting stories about the nation’s past and future. Legal scholars regard a trial as a story contest, too, in which opposing counsels construct narratives of guilt and innocence — arguing over who is the real protagonist.


① Various kinds of people try to figure out the essence of stories
② A Story is a powerful way of restoring the past and constructing the present
③ Humans are creatures of story, so story touches nearly every aspect of our lives
④ Narratives are advanced forms of stories and influence human history
⑤ Past and Present can be closely connected by storytelling skills


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