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수능 | 2018 수능특강 변형문제 15강 6번

by AOC 2017. 5. 11.

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2018 수능특강 변형문제

15강 6번. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?



The term fact is normally reserved for an observation or explanation that ① is absolutely true. But no scientist would claim that anything is absolutely true. At most, they would claim that the preponderance of evidence points ② to the truth of the observation or explanation. Even a simple observation statement like "The ball I threw hit the ground" is not absolutely true, because one can never be sure that the observation is not the result of an illusion. How many times have you ③ seen a pretty young woman sliced in two on a stage without calling the police? If "seeing is believing," you should have called the police to report the senseless crime ④ committed by the magician. But observations are theory-laden: You need an appropriate theoretical background in order to observe what your eyes see. When you see a magic show, you are observing within the theoretical framework of entertainment by illusion, ⑤ on which what you see is almost certainly not what it appears to be. A person who knew nothing of magic would almost certainly be horrified by the illusion.


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