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수능 | 2018 수능특강 변형문제 15강 5번

by AOC 2017. 5. 11.

■ 본 블로그의 수능영어 변형문제는 무료로 제공됩니다.

■ 본문·문제·정답의 오류에 대해 일체 책임지지 않습니다.

■ 다음 행위는 2차 저작권법에 의거하여 처벌받을 수 있습니다.
    - 아래 내용을 복사·가공하여 타 사이트·블로그에 붙여넣는 행위
    - 아래 내용을 복사·가공하여 상업적 목적으로 사용하는 행위(교재출판·학원강의 등)

■ 타 사이트·블로그에 블로그 링크(http://mymythos.tistory.com)를 거는 것은 허용됩니다.



2018 수능특강 변형문제

15강 5번. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?



Social activities affect psychology indirectly by serving as models to imitate. The manner in which parents treat each other is a model that children use in interacting with people. Gender images in the media are another indirect social influence on psychology. These images present activities as images or models that viewers utilize in fashioning psychological phenomena.


(A) Viewers of the media are not directly forced to act in particular ways by these images; they are not even directly told that they should act in those stereotypical ways or threatened with punishment if they do not.

(B) People do not freely choose the models they adopt. Their choices are influenced by the pervasiveness of the model and also its agreement with their role in activities.


(C) Rather, the images serve as models that viewers strive to imitate. The more pervasive a particular model is – in advertisements, television programs, movies, magazine articles, educational materials – the more influence it has.


① (A)-(B)-(C)
② (A)-(C)-(B)
③ (B)-(A)-(C)
④ (B)-(C)-(A)
⑤ (C)-(A)-(B)


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